[BOOK|MOBI] Bitcoin: Electronic Cash A Peer-To-Peer

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So please leave a comment with your thoughts or answers to any of the questions. I like the free market, I like Bitcoin, Peer-To-Pder I like forks but since the fork and now afterI have questions about the future of Bitcoin, not its value but its form. Is it still awith emphasis on Cash? Satoshi did not call it Electronic Commodity System. I've been Bitclin: forhoping for lower transaction fees and faster confirmation time. Will transaction fees lower like promised, maybe after the SegWit dust has settled? But what is the alternative? Should I start using Bitcoin Cash instead? Maybe there is a better Electronic Cash System in the crypto-ecosystem that is gaining widespread adaption, has low to no fees and fast transaction time, Ethereum, Dash, Monero, Litecoin? I don't have one yet but I got my eye on. It has a wallet that supports more than one crypto-currency with a card that Electrlnic usable as a credit card, and an app that let's you decide wich currency to use, and no transaction fees! I think that is pretty cool! Of course the steem itself could go through wild swings. I think that in case of a debit card it's not that big of an issue, you buy a product with a crypto, the seller receives fiat-currency. In my opinion it's better to change Bitcoin: Electronic Cash A Peer-To-Peer fiat you are going to spend anyway into crypto, put them in debit-card wallet, after a month or so you will already buy more with it then if you would have kept it in fiat.

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